04 July 2010

The New Doescher Residence

After a LOT of box unpacking, we've got very few boxes left--most of them in the art room, which has become the secondary storage for things we probably won't use. The dining room, family room, office and master bedroom have been painted yellow, yellow, light olive green and light grey-blue respectively. The towels my grandmother embroidered are awesome, and are the highlight of the master bathroom since they match. Here are a few pictures of what the house looks like now.

At one point, we decided to unpack our second comforter and try a new master bedroom arrangement. Unfortunately, the magnetic ink-exploder safety tag was still attached...through the zipper AND the comforter. We then remembered that we had beeped going through the doors at BB&B when we bought it, but the clerk waved us through because she saw us bag everything. So, we decided well....we've got to get it off SOMEhow. And me in all my wisdom tried a refrigerator magnet. Of course, that didn't work, so we tried to purposely explode the tag in the sink.

Yep...that didn't work either. We ended up cutting the bag open manually and tearing a little bit of the comforter. Luckily, it was only a few threads and it was on the underside! Here are the two variations of our master bedroom--the second one is the one we decided on.


  1. Oh my gosh it looks like you have been living there for a long time!! I love how you got everything painted and ready so quickly.

    1. I love the couches in your living room. And it is so cool that you have a PIANO!
    2. Your kitchen is so cute. And I love how you set the table with placemats and napkins.
    3. Your dresser in your bedroom is gorgeous.

    Anyways...I love it!!! You'll be so glad you have all of these pictures later :)

  2. Thanks Sarah! We're really glad that we've unpacked everything instead of letting boxes waiting around...it's nice to come home and not have to see all the boxes again. :)
