10 July 2010

Recent Meals at the Doeschers'

Sarah, this one is for you:  We recently had your chicken tortillas, and they were awesome.

It was also the first time our china graced our table.

The next day we decided on playing around with our California Pizza Kitchen book (courtesy of Jamie and Chris Recio), and landed on a BLT pizza recipe.  Several fails on this one--the yeast wasn't mixed in with the water, the dough wasn't mixed long enough, and then poor Dave tried to make the pizzas on a cookie sheet before putting them on the pizza stone (which had been preheating in the oven).  Well....they stuck to the cookie sheet, and by the time we got the pizzas into the oven and on the stone they had become very messy calzones, and they took forever to cook because we didn't discover the oven had turned off until ten minutes later.  So, what it was SUPPOSED to look like:

What it REALLY looked like on our table:

I think we need to work on our cooking skills.


  1. Ah I love it!!! So glad you guys like that recipe and I love the pics :) Awesome that you are putting your china to good use. Luv ya!

  2. Awww I love your cooking updates! Don't worry- you're not alone. The first time I used my pizza stone I used aluminum foil on it and the stone split in half in the oven. I guess you're not supposed to do that. At least they exchanged it for me. Also remember a few things that I live by when all else fails- pizza stones work well with frozen pizzas and cookbooks make nice decorations. ;)

  3. Bahaha....I will have to keep that in mind, Jamie! :D
