22 July 2010

Too Much Crack?

This store in Seattle seems to think so.  And I think that I agree. :)  Pants should be ABOVE the hips unless you've got a shirt to cover it!!!!

Working at MSU this week was an exhausting experience.  I worked three 12's in a row and then went in for a would care class this morning.  While I loved the class, I didn't feel awesome at all today and I've come down with some sort of sinus thing (that's going around lately according to one of Dave's student's mom; she said that she had it, then her husband had it, then she's got it again....I'm just hoping that I didn't catch it from her!!).  I'm starting to like having the variety of patients that I see in MSU, but I still love L&D better :)

Dave and I finally figured out how to get my light table back together today.  Apparently, Atlas decided to disassemble it, and then when they delivered it they never put it back together.  We managed to get it back together after a few mistakes.  I'm still not sure it's put together right, but it still works :)  It'll just be hard to change the lightbulbs if they ever go out!

I think that I'm just going to be sleeping a lot for the next couple of days to try and get this bug out of my system and get some perspective about MSU.  I'd like to go to the beach again, but I'm just feeling too crummy.  Day in with the hubby? :D

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